Employee spotlight: Samantha Lambert

Samantha Lambert

Samantha “Sam” Lambert is an Accounting Manager based in North America. This Tae Kwon Do, 2nd-degree black belt, numbers wiz, working mama is passionate about process management, Excel spreadsheets, and the Green Bay Packers and loves her life as a competitive sports mom.

Senior Global Accountant Mary Grasswick said, “Sam came into tms (formerly The Marketing Store) and challenged the status quo. She helped give our team a new view and a new perspective when looking at data and processes. She keeps tms (formerly The Marketing Store) growing, learning, and adapting as the world around us keeps evolving. Her strengths allow us to provide the most accurate and reliable financial data. Overall, she is a great leader, teacher, and asset.”

Get to know Sam…

What are your pronouns?

What is your ultimate favorite band, musical group, or artist? 
Backstreet Boys — listening to the music takes me back to my youth, including singing (screaming) at the top of my lungs. I can’t help myself!

What’s in your headphones lately?
It’s a mix based on my mood…podcasts are my jam, and I highly recommend The Daily, Smartless, Sword, Scale, and Dare to Lead. Still, I am also currently in a psychological thriller phase with audiobooks (Verity, The Silent Patient). Also, I walk my dog every day, so I listen to many podcasts and audiobooks.

What did you want to be growing up? Favorite cartoon character? DC or Marvel?
A sideline reporter — I wanted to be close to the action. My favorite character is Ariel from the Little Mermaid — still a Disney favorite! And there is no doubt that I would choose Marvel all the way!

Do you have a hidden talent that most people wouldn’t guess?
I used to be a pretty good bowler. I was a collegiate all-American at the University of Central Missouri and once bowled a 298! The highlight of that time was meeting my now husband in the college bowling world, so we have our fair share of stories. My son has recently expressed an interest in bowling and loves the game. I think my all-time bowling highlight is yet to come. I am dusting off my shoes and balls, I found ten last weekend, lol. I plan to  bowl in an adult/youth tournament with my son next weekend.

What person (dead or alive) would you most like to be stuck in an elevator with?
My dad. I lost my dad unexpectedly when I was 19 and would do anything to have one more conversation with him.

Do you have a favorite quote?
I love most Vince Lombardi quotes about hard work and perseverance. “Winners never quit, and quitters never win.”

What current issue gets you fired up?
We are fortunate enough to live on such a beautiful planet and must take care of it. Recycle. It’s not that hard 🙂

What is the best career advice you’ve been given?
“You can buy anything but time.” A former CFO left a lasting impression on me when I was returning to work after having my son. He helped implement my work ethic of grinding hard at work (feeling good about the work I have done) but making sure I still devote myself to my family.

Favorite season of the year?
Fall. Family. Football. There is a change in scenery, the most comfortable weather (in my opinion living in IL), I spend a lot of time with family whether it be birthday gatherings or Thanksgiving, and football seasons starts.

Football fans at a game